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My work, ‘Calligraphic Marks of a River Landscape’ was awarded Honourable Mention‘ in the Paddington Art Prize, 2021. Calligraphic marks act as a script or denote a musical score which floats over the landscape. It is an inferred language acknowledging our need to decifer and understand the river in ortder to preserve its precious resources.


"Calligraphic marks act as a script or denote a musical score which floats over the landscape. It is an inferred language, acknowledging our need to decipher and understand the land, in order to preserve its precious resources. The river becomes a pivotal life force and a source of fertility."

'Calligraphic Marks of River Landscape', acrylic on linen, 152 x 168 cm, 2021

My work, installtion 'Still Waters' has been selected for the National Still Life Award. A grouping of sculptural objects that evokes a constructed river, where birds, bowls containing water, symbolic effigies of oyster shells and a boat are embedded with ceramic shards and shells. Representing historical emblems of the river, they encapulate a timeless past. Presented as iconic forms, the works speaks of the ecological significance of the river and the need to preserve its precious resources. This is a river where life is held still. Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery, 14th August – 23rd of October, 2021


"This grouping of sculptural objects evokes a constructed river, where birds, bowls containing water, symbolic effigies of oyster shells and a boat are embedded with ceramic shards and shells.
Representing historical emblems of the river, they encapsulate a timelesss past. Presented as iconic forms, the work speaks of the ecological significance of the river and the need to preserve its precious resources. This is a river where life is held still."

'Still waters', Cement, foam, embedded ceramic shards and shells, timber, ceramic, sand, water, installtion, 75 x 150 x 120 cm, 2021

Winner of the Cooks River Small Scupture Prize part of the Greenway Art Prize in 2018, my work, 'Time Held Still', was also slected for the Still : National Still lIfe Award in 2019.


"Fixed in time, these totems of man and bird are a memento mori, symbolic reminders of mortality.
Rudimentary amorphous forms wrapped in plaster and concrete are imbedded with ceramic shards from the domestic and the everyday, recounting a lost archeology.
These are constructed hybrid forms united by bright artificial colour, which mimics a synthetic reconstruction of nature.
These objects commemorate time held still."

'Time Held Still', mixed media, concrete, ceramic shards, shells, timber, fabric, plaster and acrylic paint, 40 x 45 x 23 cm, 2018
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