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'Shaman River' costumes 2024

'Shaman River' costumes presented as artworks, hang freely in space or as artworks to be worn. These costumes featured for the first time at the Cementa 24 Festival. Consisting of assembled textiles, fabric paint, fabric dye, sewing, and hand stiching. Appraoched as a painting, with an intuitive layering of textile, textures and stitching, as drawing or mark making. They are an extention of my investigation into the river and river politics. preseted as shaman vestments. The functionality of clothing speaks of an inherint knowledge and history, they act as carers of the river or as a portentous oracle. The works refect and are an embodiment of the river, a source of fertility, a provider of water and renewal. signifying the ecological significance of water, a finite resource with increasing awareness and relevance of water management and water allocations.

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